The Dump: Stuff I found & thought worthy of saving

History & TOK teaching, running, golf, politics, junk

Before the Big Bang…???


“The mystery of the First Cause remains. You can choose religious faith as an answer, or you can choose to believe science will conquer it all. But you can also, like theĀ Greek Skeptic Pyrrho, embrace the limits of our reach into the unknowable with humility, celebrating what we have accomplished and will surely keep on accomplishing, without the need to know all and understand all. It’s okay to be left wondering.

Curiosity without mystery is blind, and mystery without curiosity is lame.”


UK National Archives

Online exhibitions at UK National Archives

Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

The Sinews of Peace (‘Iron Curtain Speech’)


Indeed, the whole Churchill site!

Shared Knowledge / Language

Wittgenstein’s Lion

Even if a lion could speak, we couldn’t understand it. If we don’t have the background knowledge, then words can be known but meaningless (eg two gamers talking about World of Warcraft)

‘China’s Web Junkies’ – argumentative writing example video

Fall of Singapore

Battle Of Singapore


‘Safe Harbour’

On a fishing holiday, some Aussies find a boat load of asylum seekers. Towing the boat, it disappears overnight. Then one of them gets into a cab five years later, and the driver recognises him…

Bible resources – short videos

Legalities on driverless cars

Issues arising from the first fatality from a driverless car (automated vehicle / “AV”)

And what of the ethics….?

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